Why Some Bingo Players Should Only Play Online
There are some bingo players around who should never allow themselves to play in a real land-based bingo hall – they're simply too volatile! Over the years there have been plenty of incidents where people have caused a scene in a bingo hall, and sometimes the police have to be called in to calm the situation down.
That's why it's great that there are so many places to play online, like www.chitchatbingo.co.uk. When you're online, you can do what you want while you're playing bingo. You don't need to be quiet, you can speak your mind and you can even play in your PJs and dressing gown if you feel like it. There's no need to wait for the bingo hall to open or think about how you're going to get there, in fact. Playing online bingo is just like playing the traditional way, but better!

One person who might consider playing online in future is security guard Austin Whaley, who ended up with a court order banning him from uttering the word "bingo" following an incident at the bingo hall where he worked in Covington, Kentucky, USA. Whaley should have known better as an employee, but he couldn't help himself and shouted out "bingo!" in the middle of a game, causing pandemonium amongst the players. Even though a policeman was present, Whaley refused to say sorry, and was charged with second-degree disorderly conduct. The court case that followed saw him being banned from using the word under any circumstances for a six month period.
In a similar tale of bingo shame, two elderly ladies had to be separated after they began pushing and shoving each other at a bingo games organised at a seniors' club in Portsmouth, New Hampshire earlier this year. One was apparently trying to sell Avon beauty products during the game and the other lady was enraged by this interruption. Even though things calmed down, police were called back to the scene two hours later as a third player decided to press charges.
For those of us who flash to anger or just can't keep quiet, it's probably wise to play bingo online at home!